Episode 3 - For Humanity Sake

Episode 3 - For Humanity Sake

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Episode 3 - For Humanity Sake
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According to Mike, this is the “golden episode” because it addresses the issues that put our very humanity at risk. The topics covered here may be difficult to discuss, and they may force us to think about things we would rather brush under the carpet, but we believe that they must be brought to the forefront for our human race to thrive. Mike and Esther discuss the hard realities of school shootings and the impact this has on teachers and leaders. They also highlight the great work that is being done by children and adults, and how they are changing the world by valuing the humanity of others. Mike and Esther also discuss how the Drake Academy of Excellence is shifting existing systems and deeply embedded societal norms to provide a better model of education and leadership.

Although this episode forces you to face the realities of what is happening in schools, it will also inspire you to hear the stories of those who are on a mission to bring humanity to this world!


Dalai Lama said “Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.”

“My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.” Desmond Tutu

Martin Luther King Jr. said “We need leaders not in love with money but in love with justice. Not in love with publicity, but in love with humanity.”

According to Education Week, there were 29 school shootings in 2021, 87 since 2018, that’s 60 deaths.

3 Key Takeaways

1 – Today, it seems that just raising our kids morally and ethically doesn’t mean that they won’t be a victim of senseless violence. We need more people to do the work they are passionate about to help society. We each need to ask ourselves what we can do to help.

2 – Rather than training teachers to prepare for and carry out lock down drills, we need to look at the root cause of these behaviors and get ahead of the problem. One way to do this is to prioritize the basic human needs of those in our schools - the need to feel acceptance, value, purpose, and meaning.

3 – Trust in the ripple! It only takes one person to make a difference, and that one person can touch another, and that person, another, and before you know it, many people are impacted. Our society needs to prioritize the humanity of ourselves and of those we encounter.


1st NORM: School Shootings have become somewhat commonplace and don’t surprise us much anymore.


Existing belief: People who act out deserve to be treated how they make me feel.

New Belief: The poor behavior of others gives me an opportunity to meet their essential human needs.

2nd NORM: Teachers and students participating in lock down drills as a part of any regular school day.


Existing belief: Having a human reaction to what I am asked to do as a teacher is too much work. Nothing phases me anymore.

New belief: My human response is the most valuable quality I possess.

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Episode 3 - For Humanity Sake

Esther Concepción M.Ed.

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Esther holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum Design and Educational Leadership. She firmly believes that there is greatness inside each child and that they reach their full potential when they are surrounded by passionate teachers who see their incredible value and creatively nurture their strengths and abilities.